Every aspect of your business exposes you to risk of loss. Risk management is often an under-appreciated critical function. Adequately protecting your organization can make or break its growth, reputation and success.
With precision and speed, you need the metrics that reveal the depth and scope of your exposures, where are your risk hot-spots, where are new risks emerging and old risks diminishing, and whether you are correctly allocating risk management resources or not.
To deliver timely and actionable Risk analytics and insights, we provide 3 key services:
With our unsurpassed Data Manager toolset, we aggregate, normalize, standardize and unify all of your disparate transaction, sales, service, facility, production, output, efficiency, quality, safety and other resource and performance source-data.
Built and iterated over the past twenty-five years, Data Manager is one of the world's most powerful, flexible, fast, nimble and economical database aggregation systems.
By any and every dimension important to your organization, with our powerful Metrics Engine platform, we rapidly process and produce comprehensive SBU, Market, Group, Division, Region, Site/Office, Machine/Device, Product, Team, Employee and Customer risk metric scorecards, rankings and trends; in on-line reports, dashboards, visualizations and exports; all real-time accessible to you and your teams via our platform.
Metrics and transaction alerts that drive tangible action are vastly more useful than static and slow Business Intelligence (BI).
Our platform real-time APIs action/trigger messages back into your core operating, service and financial systems, empowering your timely and targeted risk mitigation initiatives.
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A Member of the Certainty Systems Group