Relationship development, outreach, lead generation, referrals, quote-to-cash, sales conversion, fulfillment and delivery drive your entire enterprise.
You need fast, frequent and precise metrics to know who's selling and what's selling, who's referring and who's buying, who's shopping but not buying, where you're over/under targets, and where opportunities are emerging or fading.
And, you need the most powerful performance incentive compensation tools to lead and reward sales force success.
To deliver timely and actionable Sales analytics and insights, we provide 4 key services:
With our powerful Data Manager toolset, we aggregate, normalize, standardize and unify all of your disparate customer, product/service, referral, opportunity, lead, quotes, sales, and service source-data.
Some clients today have 100+ disparate source-data systems that we automatically aggregate/integrate each day, often real-time.
Built and iterated over the past twenty-five years, Data Manager is one of the world's most powerful, flexible, fast, nimble and economical sales and customer database aggregation systems.
By any and every dimension important to your business, with our powerful Metrics Engine platform, we rapidly process and produce comprehensive SBU, Market, Group, Division, Region, Channel, Site and Representative sales metric performance scorecards, category summaries, rankings and trends; in on-line reports, exports, visualizations and dashboards; all real-time accessible to you and your teams via our platform.
Our platform is one of the most comprehensive referral and sales performance management platforms in the world.
Metrics and transaction alerts that drive tangible action are vastly more useful than static and slow Business Intelligence (BI).
Our platform real-time APIs action/trigger messages back into your core lead generation, sales/SFA, service and CRM/CXM systems, empowering your workforce to accelerate affiliate, referral, sales and customer retention initiatives.
We deliver unlimited referral, sales, sales management, relationship and portfolio management variable incentive compensation program capabilities. We automate and deliver in days/weeks what other alternatives take weeks/months to complete.
We've automated thousands of simple-to-very complex sales performance compensation programs.
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