Metrics Engine processes your data and calculates an infinite array of analytics, metrics, KPIs and OKRs, for an unlimited range of needs, across every dimension of your enterprise.
Our client partners utilize our [ Platform x People ] solutions to generate both Periodic and Real-time Analytics and business intelligence for every dimension and performance metric across their enterprise.
And, with full-access to our Platform, they view and use infinite dashboards, scorecards, reports, visualizations, and metric data extracts and API integrations.
Periodic Analytics gathers large volumes and sets of source data from one-to-many origins to produce multiple Period-of-Time and Point-in-Time metrics, KPIs and OKRs for any spectrum of reporting entities, such as business units, employees, customers, products, markets, channels, devices, processes and more. Results are delivered in desired formats optimized for internal and distributed dashboards, reporting and visualization.
Real-time Analytics deploys API Integration to capture individual transaction decision-parameters and context, real-time, to calculate and deliver complex-algorithm scores, quotes, decisions, permissions, keys, service routing and more. Results are optimized for embedded analytics and decision intelligence.
Metrics Engine solutions include a comprehensive spectrum of Services, and a broad range and depth of analytics capabilities:
Customers, Employees, Units, Partners, Affiliates, Distributors, Entities, Products and more
Precise Multi-Metric performance profiles for every Customer, Employee, Contractor, Partner, Affiliate, Distributor, Influencer, Supplier, Vendor, Entity, Unit, Product, Service, Process, Event, Initiative and more. Then, rank and trend them all.
All metrics, KPIs, OKRs and other analytics; infinite hierarchies, participants and more
Workforce, Customer and Third-Party reward, compensation and recognition programs
Individuals, Relationships, Transactions, Opportunities, Sales, Service, Satisfaction, Entities, Geographies, Demographics, Channels, Markets, Clusters, Event, Initiatives and more
Processes, Projects, Events, Cycles, Entities, Initiatives, Relationships, Portfolios and more
Customer Relationship Portfolio Acquisition, Management, Retention & Enhancement
Customer Lifetime Revenue Value, Propensity, Churn and all relationship analytics
Employee, Contractor and Provider performance and relationship management
All metrics, KPIs, OKRs, MBOs and other analytics for all dimensions across your enterprise
Real-time API-integrated Quoting, Estimating, Recommendation, Decision, Pricing and Journey Curation algorithm engines
Fast and granular-precise referral, lead generation, attribution and sales analytics
Customer, service team and process metrics, KPIs, OKRs, MBOs and other analytics
For Markets, Customers, Workforce, Partners, Affiliates, Entities, Products and more
All metrics, KPIs, OKRs, MBOs and other analytics; infinite parameters and scenarios
Front-, Mid- and Back-Office and Product Facility metrics, KPIs, OKRs and other analytics
Granular and timely metrics, KPIs, OKRs, MBOs and other analytics
For Business Units, Customers, Workforce, Partners, Affiliates, Entities and more
Any metrics, KPIs, OKRs, MBOs and other analytics
Including Assessments, Evaluations and more
CFO, National Consumer Products
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